Saturday, July 4, 2009

2 weeks!

Austin is now 2 weeks old!  I can't believe how much he has changed in such a short time.  He is starting to gain weight and even has the beginnings of a double chin.  We went to the doctor today for his 2 week weight check and blood work.  He hasn't made back to birth weight yet but he is getting closer at 7lbs 14 ozs. Austin's second week has been mostly a week at home.  Unfortunately the week started with my c-section incision getting infected and opening up.  I will spare the rest of the information and details since many think it is "disgusting".  But needless to say, we have been to many doctor's appointments and not been able to do much else.  We only had one outing this week and that was to get photos developed and order his birth announcements but other than that we have been home bodies.  

Other developments for the week are that Austin is starting to be awake just a little more during the day and spend some time looking around.  We are all still working on sleeping more in the night time.  As of right now we only make it in 2-3 hour stretches.  Austin has even had 2 bottles this week and did very well with both of them and Dad really enjoyed getting in on the feedings.  Austin had his first manicure this week and I was able to cut and file his nails without any injuries.  It did take some time since he would clench his fist almost every time I would grab one of his little fingers.  This week has also included much more fussy-ness for little Austin.  Due to my unfortunate infection and need for very strong antibiotics; Austin has quite the upset stomach.  The medicine I have to take is so strong that it makes him throw up and not feel well at all, but hopefully after the required 10 days it will pass and he will return to a less fussy little boy.  This week also brought a return visit from Grandma Karen and a few other visitors including Carrie, Jeanette and Anna.  Austin's second week ended with his first holiday at home- the 4th of July!  We didn't go anywhere since he is still so young and I had my open wound.  We instead had some family and a few friends over for some hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill.  Austin wore his new Old Navy flag onesie but that was pretty much the extent of his celebrating since he slept through most of the "party".  


Austin wearing his "baylor baby" onesie that Mac got him!!

Our "All- American Cutie" on the 4th of July & family photo

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! I wish you a speedy recovery. It's hard enough having a newborn to take care of without all the complications, so I wish you luck. Congratulations!

