Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 7 and beyond

Now that Austin is 6 weeks old we finally ventured to church. Last Sunday we barely got up and got everyone ready for the service but we made it. We were a few minutes late but I was still pretty proud that we only missed 1 song, not too bad for our first outing to church. Austin did really well during the service, he attentively looked around during the music and only fussed a tiny bit when the sermon started. Once he fussed I took him out to hold him and he quickly fell asleep for the remainder of the service. It was great to feel back in the loop at church and get to see some of our friends who also have their own babies or babies on the way. (Now I had the camera with me but the batteries were dead so we didn't get any pictures of his first Sunday at church...we will try again next week)

Of course this week also included my weekly visit to the wound care center. Unfortunately this week did not hold such great news, Dr. Haus decided that I was not making the progress she wanted to see and she re-ordered the wound vac. I think I was so shocked by this that I didn't even respond, I just walked out in a daze. By the time I processed what was going on, KCI was calling to give me delivery instructions for my wound vac. I wasn't given instructions on when to return for it to be put on so I will have to wait until Monday for my next appointment.

To boost my spirits after my doctor's appointment Brent decided I needed a dose of chick-fil-a and a new cell phone. So we went to lunch and then headed to Sprint. It took a few weeks of mental preparation for me to finally commit to changing my phone number to a Waco number, but I did it. I now officially am a full fledged Waco resident (sad I know!) To ease the blow, I did get the coolest phone available...the Samsung Instinct s30. It is a super cool touch screen phone and so far I am loving it!

In Austin news this week, he went on his first out of town mini-road trip! On Wednesday I decided that I was tired of sitting around and that we were getting out. I packed up Austin and the stroller, grabbed my friend Clarissa, and headed down I-35 to Round Rock. Austin did great in the car, he slept the entire time. The reason for the Round Rock trip was to go to IKEA in order to pick up a few things for my classroom. Austin did pretty well while shopping, we stopped to sit in the cafe for a quick bottle and diaper change once. Austin then refused to go back in his carrier so I had to hold him for the remainder of the time in IKEA. And of course if you are in Round Rock you have to stop by the outlet mall. I was very proud of myself, I only bought the things I needed for my classroom and nothing else!!

Getting read to head to out on his first road trip!

Shopping at IKEA

On Thursday Lindsay, Austin and I headed back up to school to finish my classroom. We dropped everything off before grabbing a quick bite to eat with some dear friends before they move to Russia. After lunch we returned to school and got to work. We worked on organizing tons of books, putting out all of the tubs and baskets, and putting up all of the wall decorations. While we worked Austin slept so peacefully on the floor in his boppy pillow. I could not believe he slept for almost 4 hours without being held. Everyone that walked by thought I had a baby doll laying on the floor because he was all bundled up and being so quiet. It was my miracle for the day which enable us to get everything up and put away. The room looks great and ready for kids, now if only I could say the same thing about me.

Austin sleeping on the floor of my classroom for almost 4 hours!

Now that my classroom is all set up I officially have 1 more week of summer to enjoy being home with Austin. I can't believe that this summer has gone by so quickly. It will be so hard to not be with Austin all day and to get to enjoy all his little moments.

what a cutie!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, he's adorable!! I love that last picture there!!! :) --Laura (Donaghey) Allison
