Tuesday, October 20, 2009

4 months old

Wow! How times flies when you are having fun! I can hardly believe that Austin is already 4 months old! He had his four month check-up today and his stats are:
weight- 13 lbs 3 ounces (50th percentile)
length- 25.5inches (75th percentile)

The doctor said he was "just perfect!" He is growing right on track, looks great and is really strong (even though he doesn't roll over yet). Here are the pictures of our doctor visit today. As you can see it had lots of tears!!

crying in the waiting room

crying getting weighed

crying getting measured

the crying stopped for a minute before the shots came

and finally it was over!! I just love this picture of Austin clinging to his blankie for dear life. He was so sad I didn't even bother re-dressing him after his appointment; I just took him home for some rest!

This fourth month brought lots of new experiences for Austin. This month he started going to the baby-sitters full time, which was much harder on mommy than on Austin! He got to go to his first PTA meeting at my school (not that exciting I know). We had Austin's baby dedication at church. He went on his first road trip to Oklahoma and sadly got in his first car wreck. But the most precious of all is that he is laughing now! He likes to be tickled and gives the best laughs when you tickle his tummy and chest. It is the best sound in the world!! He has also found a new toy in his FEET!! I don't have pictures of him at the baby-sitters since I am not there and didn't think to take any at PTA. The pictures from Oklahoma are in a separate blog so this one will include all the adorable feet pictures!

one of the first times he grabbed those little toes!

grabbing and trying to eat his feet

Austin got those super cute little lion slippers as a baby shower gift, so I figured now that his feet are so interesting to him that he should wear them! He really enjoyed trying to get the lion!

And of course we had the official 4 month photo shoot in the nursery chair. And in honor of the upcoming holiday Austin wore his jack-o-lantern onesie! Austin did really well this month as I tried to take his picture the only issue we had was that he kept trying to get his feet!!

feet are more fun that photos!

so cute!

and of course the "official" 4 month photo was the first shot!
he looks like such a big boy and so happy!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

1 year ago

One year ago today we found out we were expecting! It was such an exciting day for us both. We had been trying for a few months and were anxiously waiting for that magic moment. It all started early that morning. I woke up super early that day, for some reason I just couldn't stay asleep. It was about 5am and I just had this gut feeling that this was it! I was finally going to be pregnant. So I got up, took a home pregnancy test and tried to go back to sleep. I kept telling myself "you can check it later...just get some sleep, today is field trip day." Of course I couldn't sleep at all, so after about 10 minutes of laying in bed, I got up to check. I tried not to be too excited and remind myself that whatever the test says is what is in God's plan. I was soooo excited and shocked to see that second little pink line. Even after I saw the test I still had some doubts and was a bit nervous. After that there was no sleeping for me. It took everything I had not to call Brent (who was at work) immediately and tell him. After I saw the results, I crawled back in bed and tried to stay calm until Brent got home at 6am. The minutes crawled by but finally it was time for Brent to get home. I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't tell him right away. I met him at the door with a hug and told him there was something in the bathroom he needed to go look at. Of course, Brent being a boy, walked in and didn't see anything at first. I told him to look at the shelf and tell me what he thought. A few seconds later, he came back out and asked "so what does this mean?" I told him it was positive and that we were pregnant. Because we had been trying for a while, Brent didn't want to get too excited until we knew 100% for sure. So we both made a deal not to say anything to anyone until we were certain. This was going to be tough! I went ahead and got ready for school then headed out. It was our first field trip of the year that day and I knew the kids would be crazy! My class was going to see Suessical the Musical and I had to be mentally prepared for 22 wild 6 year olds. It was so hard that day to think of anything else, all that kept going through my mind was "I have to take another test!" I barely made it though the day and left school as soon as the bell rang. I rushed to Walgreen's to buy another pregnancy test and then rushed to the house. After taking another test that night and another the next morning, I was pretty sure this was the real deal. The next day I called the doctor to schedule an appointment to find out for sure. I couldn't get in to see the doctor until I was 8 weeks pregnant, so that left us to wait for 3 1/2 weeks. Those were the longest weeks of my life having to wait to get the official confirmation. Finally the appointment came on November 11th. I sped home from school to meet Brent and go the doctor's appointment. We met Dr. Manning that day and got to see the first picture of our little guy. He was so tiny and did not resemble a baby yet, but that was it, we were in love! Both Brent and I were so excited to see our baby and were eager to embark on the journey of pregnancy. Brent and I had already discussed that we would not tell anyone until Christmas just to be on the safe side. That proved to be very difficult since we left for the Bahamas the very next week with Brent's parents, brother and soon to be sister-in-law. But we did it, neither one of us said a word and they never caught on even though I didn't drink the entire trip and was sick more than once. Luckily they were all very distracted with the wedding and didn't pay too much attention to us! I can't believe it has been a year since we found out about our baby, but what an exciting year it has been!