Saturday, August 15, 2009

2 month Check-up

Austin is now 2 months old and that meant time for another check-up! We went to the doctor Friday for Austin's 2 month check up & shots. Here are the stats on our growing baby boy....

Weight-11lbs (50th percentile)
Length 23.5 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference- 15.5 inches (50th percentile)

Weight check and head measuring

Austin hated having his clothes taken off to be weighed and measured. He screamed the whole time Aunt Lindsay and Grandma Mary tried to check him in at the doctor's office. He calmed down a little when we got the room but was still pretty fussy while Dr. Wilcox was trying to check him out. I had to hold him for almost all of it and even had to help the doctor get a good look at his eyes. Austin checked out great and is growing and developing wonderfully. He even got tons of compliments on how cute he is from all the nurses. Now they might be a little biased since Grandma Mary and Aunt Lindsay work there, but we can't argue that is super cute! Since it was his 2 month check-up, it did mean Austin had to get his vaccines. Dr. Wilcox decided that she would only give 3 on Friday and then he could come back next week to get the other 2 so that he wouldn't be a overwhelmed and too upset by 5 shots at once. The second the nurses laid him down on the bed to give him his shots, Austin screamed like crazy. One of the nurses felt so bad at how much he was crying that she started to tear up herself. Even though it was hard to hear him cry that much, he quieted down just as soon as I held him. After we left the doctor's office, Austin slept for a couple of hours but unfortunately he was still pretty fussy for the rest of the day. It was such an exhausting day for Austin that we were able to lay him in his own crib Friday night and he slept there for 4 hours!!!!

Grandma Mary loving on that sweet baby boy

Aunt Lindsay being sad with Austin

Dr. Wilcox checking him out

Getting those awful shots

Look at those baby legs with all those band-aids!

Daddy makes it all better!!

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