Sunday, August 2, 2009

6 weeks

This week started with mommy and daddy actually getting to get out and going to the movies!! My mom came into town Sunday and offered to keep Austin so Brent and I could go see Harry Potter 6. (I had really been wanting to see it and it was getting harder and harder to keep my friends from sharing about it.) It was so nice to get to spend some time together and I did my best not to check up on him too many times but it was a long movie! Of course he did fine and I know his grandma enjoyed playing with him.

This week I finally made some progress in my wound care and was discharged from home health care! Monday was my last visit from my home health care nurse and although they were very sweet, I was glad to be free of the tri-weekly visits. Now my wound is still not completely healed but it is looking much better and getting closer little by little. I still have once weekly appointments at the wound care center but hopefully not for too much longer.

Life is slowly settling into more of a routine with our little guy. We still working on the sleeping issue but we have had a couple more nights of sleep this week. Austin continues to grow like a weed! We went on Wednesday to get a weight check on him and he is already 9 lbs. 10 oz. He has gained 1 whole pound in just 2 weeks. You can tell for sure that this boy does not miss a meal. We had to put away two more newborn outfits this week but we did get to break out his little sandals for the first time. Unfortunately Austin developed a pretty bad case of diaper rash this week that came on pretty suddenly. We tried all the creams we had at home but they just didn't cut it, so Grandma Mary called him in a prescription for some Happy Hiney. Hopefully that will do the trick.

Goodbye giggle-saurus, you were super cute.

Look at those little shoes!!

On Thursday Lindsay offered to come to school and help me set up my classroom since I am still not supposed to do much physical activity. Austin joined us for this outing and got to spend his first of many hours I am sure in my classroom. He was not much of a helper and only took a short nap while we were there so Lindsay and I had to take turns working and then holding the baby. We got all the big furniture back into place as well as all the computers set up. A GIANT thank you goes to Lindsay who so patiently set up all the Dells with all their million cords in a very neat fashion to accommodate my OCD tendencies. We didn't get all the little stuff done but luckily Lindsay offered to come help again next week.

On Friday I had my 6 weeks post-partum doctor's appointment with Dr. Manning. I finally got a chance to tell her about all the drama that has occurred with my c-section incision and wound. Of course there isn't anything she can do but it was nice to get it off my chest and let her know about all that has happened and my very bad experiences with a few staffers at her office. At this appointment we also got to get a picture of Austin with Dr. Manning since she was the one who brought our little guy into the world. Everything checked out good and I am done with those appointments for quite a while. It will actually be weird not to go to the doctor every month. I very vaguely remember life without constant doctor's appointments.

Friday was also my first night out with the girls. Me and a few of the ladies I teach with all got to go to crop night and get some much needed scrapbooking done. (I am super still working on the wedding-YIKES!) It was so nice to get to relax and just enjoy some quiet work time. While I was gone Aunt Lindsay stayed with Austin. She was super baby-sitter that night doing laundry, giving Austin a bath, and keeping him entertained all while letting Brent catch up on some much needed rest. I was able to get 5 pages completed and then got to come home to my sweet baby boy. Thank you again Aunt Lindsay!

This is what happens when daddy dresses Austin ;)

It is crazy that it has already been 6 weeks since Austin was born. He is such a cutie and we are both loving every minute! Here are some other fun pictures of Austin from this week...

Austin's idea of floor time....

Elliott's idea of floor time.

My two boys passed out in our bed.

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